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Thursday 15 January 2015

Review: 'Title' by Meghan Trainor

Hey guys!

This is going to be a quick one today. I mainly wanted to get this up to kickstart the beginning of a new structure to my blog. I changed the name a while ago from 'An Occasional Beauty Dream' to 'An Occasional Life Dream'. The reason for this change was because I wanted my blog to be about more than beauty stuff. If you want the full explanation then check out my post about it in the 'Chats' menu, but basically I wanted to branch out on what I was talking about. So, I've been planning (and doing) book, movie and TV reviews on top of all the beauty stuff lately and now I've decided to occasionally throw some music reviews into the mix as well. That's what this post is, the very first music review for my blog. I hope it goes okay and like I said, it won't be an exceptionally long one!

Okay, now I've blabbered so much let's get into the review!

I got the first four or five of these songs that were made available late last year (including 'All About That Bass) and loved them all, so I was really excited to get the rest of the album. I really do like it now that I've heard the rest of the album. It's one of those albums that you can put on in the background while you're cleaning and whatnot and just bop along (oh geez, how I old do I sound right now! I'm only 26 I swear!). It's also good car music, well, for me anyway. I personally like a wide array of music, anything from classical to some metal stuff and most genres in between, and this, for me is one of those easy to listen to albums. I will say though, there's a few songs on there that start to run into each other because they sound really similar. There's two on there that sound so similar that if you're not paying attention to the lyrics you might mistake them for each other. 

Overall I really do enjoy this album. It's fun and catchy. It's very much a pop-y type of album, so if that's not the type of music you like, then it's possibly not for you, but if you're cool with upbeat, pop-y tunes I definitely recommend that you check this one out! 

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