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Tuesday 13 January 2015

Movie Review: Into the Woods

'Into the Woods'… how do I describe thee? I really don’t know. I had every intention of coming on here and posting an intelligent, articulated masterpiece of a review, thoroughly deconstructing every piece of the movies and putting back together for your reading pleasure. Well, that was before. This is now. And now is the time when I have seen the movie and that starry-eyed innocence is gone.

This is a weird one guys, I’m not going to lie. I had a bit of an idea what I thought the movie might be about. Now, I haven’t seen the musical or even read anything about, so it’s safe to say my idea of what the movie might be wasn’t really what it was at all.

There’s a lot to keep track of in the movie. It’s a collision of Cinderella, Red Riding Hood, Jack and the Beanstalk, Rapunzel into the story of a baker and his wife who are trying to have a baby. Of course, being a Disney movie, there is a witch at the centre of it all causing trouble. It feels pretty disjointed for the most part. And despite there being so many storylines to follow, there is definitely a fair bit of drag. Then, at the same time, the first conflict in the movie seems to be solved in a kind of rushed way. After that, the second conflict seemed to drag again. Although, if it had been made a little more interesting and wasn’t trying to cram so many stories into two and a half hours maybe it would have flowed a little better. To be honest I don’t think I could have stood anymore of the movie.

What I will say is that I enjoyed the performances of actors such as Meryl Streep and Johnny Depp. Also, did anyone else know that Emily Blunt could sing like that? 

I feel like I don’t want to say that this was awful and recommend that people stay away, but I can’t honestly say I liked it all that much either. I don’t know guys. I think this one is a movie everybody should make their own mind up about, because I sure as hell can’t give you a straight answer on whether I would recommend it or not. I will say that, as a Disney movie buff this is far from my favourites list. Did anyone else feel as confused as me about their feelings for the movie? Did anyone straight up hate or love it? I’d love to hear some comments :)

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