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Friday 9 January 2015

Christmas Haul Part 1.2: Christmas Presents

Okay, so this post contains my thoughts on the final lot of presents I got this Christmas. As I said in my last post, I am so very lucky to have been given all of this stuff. A lot of thought went into each and every present and I appreciate every single one of them and the family and friends who gave them to me! 

Steampunk Belle Print:

Can we just… ugh! I can’t even describe my giddy little girl joy when I opened this very extra special present from my gorgeous bestie. This is created by a local (Brisbane) artist. It’s absolutely beautifully done and every time I look at it on my wall I smile. I’m an intense Disney fan and Beauty and the Beast is my all-time favourite movie. I just love this picture and can’t get over what an amazing choice my bestie made in getting me this!

Southern Vampire Mysteries Books:

My wonderful tutoring clients got me a couple of the Southern Vampire Mysteries books. I know, I know, I am so late to the party with these, but oh well. I got the sixth and thirteenth books and already had books one to three. I haven’t really started the series yet since I’m on a bit of a biography kick at the moment (reviews to come), but I can’t wait to get stuck into the series.

The Big Bang Theory Clue Boardgame:

This was a gift from my cousin who is my kindred nerd spirit. He, my sis and I all love boardgames and having boardgame nights, so this was a perfect gift. We’ve played it a few times since Christmas and it’s a lot of fun. I think I like it better than the original Cluedo (Clue in America).

Gift Cards and Money:

I got a few different gift cards to different places and some money for the Boxing Day sales from various family members. I know a lot of people think that these kinds of gifts are impersonal, but not for anyone who knows me. Anyone who knows me knows that I love picking out my own things (it’s possibly a control thing) and that is something that is just as special to me as getting an ‘actual’ gift. Besides, without these presents of money and gift cards, my trip to the Boxing Day sales would have been a hell of a lot less fun.

That was it for the Christmas present I received. The next instalment will be sharing what I picked up during the Boxing Day sales. I think that will be another two parter, because, if I'm being real, I bought A LOT of stuff (well for me anyway, it may not seem like a lot to other people). 

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