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Saturday 24 January 2015

Review: philosophy Purity One-Step Cleanser

So, at the start of last year I bought this big sample bag from David Jones and in it was the Purity One-Step Cleanser. I put the bag in my bottom makeup drawer, where I put all my samples to try and there it stayed until about a month ago, when I ran out of my Nivea cleanser and was both too cheap and too lazy to go out and find a new cleanser. All I knew was that I didn’t want the Nivea one again, since it ended up being kind of blah. So I rifled through my samples to find one that wasn’t bad and lo and behold, there was this little bottle of the Purity cleanser.


I’ve been using this every day for a little over a month now and I knew I loved it after just a few uses. It literally takes off all my makeup! I’m so impressed. Before this I was still using up the Garnier milk cleanser thingy I reviewed a while ago, which, even though it says that it’s safe for eyes, stung like a mother on me. With this in mind, I was very sceptical about the Purity cleanser not doing the same thing. Boy was I wrong! It gets all my makeup off from my eyes and only stings if it touches my actual eyeball (duh! And yep, that bloody stings!!). I was worried that this might irritate my sensitive skin because I thought it might foam and make my skin feel tight, but it doesn’t at all. My skin feels really clean without the tightness, which is great. I get a lot of redness really easily with face washes, and I am so happy that this doesn’t activate it. Another great thing about this is that a little goes a long way. A few days after I started using it I bought one of the small travel bottle of it to take away with me, which I have seriously only used on that trip. Before my trip and when I got home I’ve been using the little 30ml sample bottle and I still have some left. It’s crazy!


I can’t think of a lot of bad things about this stuff. I just love it so much and am so impressed with it. One thing that does bother me a little when I use it is the strong scent. It’s not fragranced, but all the ingredients create a string scent. It’s not a horrible scent, in fact it smells nice, but when I cleanse over my nose and then try to breathe in it can be a bit overwhelming. Apart from that I don’t have anything bad to say about it.


Despite the somewhat overwhelming scent I think I have finally found a great cleanser. I am so lazy when it comes to skincare. I hate having a routine that includes more than two steps, so this is perfect. I can cleanse and moisturise and be done with it. It’s pure heaven to such a lazy-bum like me. I love that I only have one cleanser for getting my makeup off and just simply cleansing (like in the morning, etc.). I love how long lasting the product has proved to be and once my little travel-sized bottle is finally started and finished I’ll invest in the bigger bottle. Even though it’s a little pricier, it’s great value for money. I think Mecca Maxima sells the massive bottle for about $46 and I can see that lasting for months and months. After spending the better part of 2014 trying to find the best cleanser for my skin, I’m so pleasantly surprised to find that it was sitting in my sample drawer all year!

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