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Tuesday 16 June 2015

Review: City of Bones by Cassandra Clare (The Mortal Instruments: Book 1)

For my birthday this year my beautiful friend Carol bought me the first two Mortal Instruments books by Cassandra Clare. I’d been wanting to read the series for age but never got around to buying them for myself. I finally got around to reading the first in the series, City of Bones a couple of weeks ago and couldn’t wait to have time to get on here and tell you guys my thoughts on it.

City of Bones revolves around Clary Fray, a girl who discovers that she comes from a family of demon hunters called ‘shadowhunters’. She teams up with other shadowhunters when her mum goes missing and discovers the world that her mum kept her sheltered from her whole life. There are demons, werewolves, vampires and more that Clary and her friends face. She also has to face Valentine, a shadowhunter who was thought to be dead. He terrorises the shadowhunters in the search for the ‘Mortal Cup’ and his self-assigned mission to eradicate the ‘downworlders’ (werewolves, vampires, etc.). Through her battle with Valentine, Clary finds out more about her family’s past than she ever expected to.

I actually really enjoyed this book. I ended up watching the movie when I was already about six chapters in and got really worried because I didn’t really like the movie that much. I kept reading though and I’m so glad I did. The book is so full of storyline and information that I was quickly able to see why the movie didn’t work well. The story was intriguing and fun to read. I really like these supernatural or post-apocalyptic types of books. I love to see the different versions of the world that authors can create, mainly because that’s the type of story I like to write myself.

Overall I think it’s a really great book for its genre. It’s not anything ground-breaking, but it’s easy enough to read and the story is compelling enough that it has me excited to read the rest of the series. If you’re into this genre of book then I definitely recommend giving it a go!

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