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Tuesday 28 October 2014

Something a little more personal...

Hey guys!

In light of my plans for a revamp, I decided to make my first post a little bit of a personal one. I went into a little bit of detail in my last post about why I decided to revamp the blog. I know my blog isn’t that old, and giving it a makeover might seem a little odd, but it’s something I need to do to maintain my interest in doing it.

Before I started my blog I mulled the idea of it over and over again. I’m kind of weird about my privacy and sharing my thought and things like that, especially on such a potentially large scale, so it was actually quite scary for me put ideas into reality. Along with being private, I also have a bit of a self-confidence issue too. It’s not something I talk about very often, or really at all. Actually, I more prefer to just pretend that it doesn’t exist. But alas, it is always there, in the back of my mind. It rears its ugly head in a big way when it comes to my creative side. I’m so critical of my own work that I find it hard to believe when other people give me compliments. I know it’s a common problem that people must have, but it doesn’t make it any easier to overcome.

On a very personal note, I suffered depression for a while and it definitely plummeted my self-confidence even lower. I’m my own worst critic in the absolute worst way sometimes. For example, I recently went to a wedding and when I was thanking the couple for including me in their special day I was literally confused when they told me that they wouldn’t have not invited me. I have the hardest time believing that I’m any kind of afterthought for people, and I think that’s another thing that kept me from initially jumping in and starting the blog. I think that’s also why I started this blog with the intent of it just being about beauty stuff. Beauty stuff can help make you feel somewhat special when your inner self can’t muster the strength to do it on its own. Now I realise that, while makeup is fun and makes me feel good, and I want to share that with you guys, it’s not the only part of me I want to share. There are so many other things I’m interested in that I can talk about and from now on, if it’s something I want to talk about on my blog, it will go on there. I don’t want to confine myself to a specific genre.

I’m hoping that by pushing myself in this direction I might be able to start to combat my self-confidence issues so I can start to feel genuine in my inner confidence and not just like I’m faking it.

I hope you guys liked this slightly more personal post. If any of you out there have a similar confidence issues I’d love to hear of any methods you have come up with for dealing with them.

I’m thinking that my next post will be about my writing methods and how I go about doing certain things. Also stay tuned for a monthly beauty favourites video, which I might film tomorrow if I feel like it :) 

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